Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Perfect Weapon

As we celebrate the fourth today, let us be mindful of all that makes us Americans. The freedom with which we communicate. The fact that we have the right to defend ourselves, both as a collective and individually, from persons who wish to take our freedoms. The privilege that we may use our private homes in the way which we, as individuals choose; and not merely as extensions of military housing. The privacy which allows us to protect our property and assets from being surveilled by the government. The right to not incriminate ourselves. The guarantee that if we are accused of a crime; we will have counsel, and a speedy and fair trial by a jury of our peers. Protection from cruel and unusual punishment. The flexibility of our constitution to be expanded and contracted contextually in accommodation of the evolution of life in America. And the promise that there will continue to be different levels of government; not merely one giant, uncontrolled behemoth, lumbering onward without regard to state and local boundaries. The further we, as a country, move away from our colonial days; the easier it becomes to forget WHY these freedoms are enumerated in the Bill of Rights. But when one takes a hard look at the revolutions taking place in other parts of the world, their context becomes all too clear.

These rights are expressed every day in the way in which we, as Americans, live our lives. Our military and public servants sacrifice much to keep us free. But in lock step with that sacrifice, we have the daily rigor of American innovation, entrepreneurship, education, religious practice, private philanthropy and family life. Each American adult has both the ability and the obligation to utilize his most prized and valuable gift from our forefathers in order to secure our unique and independent way of life: the vote. Today, let us be most grateful for that tacit weapon of mass construction. 


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